Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins & Minerals

Jan 27, 2022

Do we need dietary supplements? Don't we get enough nutrition from our food? What happens if we lack vitamins and minerals?

Why do we need nutrition?

Our bodies don't work if we don't give them nutrition. All processes that occur in our bodies need different nutrients.

Our cells need nutrients, oxygen and water to do their job and we have approximately 100 000 billion cells in our bodies. If they don't get enough they can't function as intended and it causes imbalances in the body that manifest like ailments and if it goes on it creates illnesses.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Why do we lack them?

Isn't there vitamins and minerals in our food? That would have been best wouldn't it? But the fact is it's not enough anymore. To get enough you should eat around 1-1,5 kilos of fruit and vegetables each day. And also mix them up because a tomato doesn't have the same nutrients as kale for example.

Personally, I do like vegetables, at least most of them but buying, peeling and chewing that much is hard work. And now they are so expensive as well...

The lack of nutrients in the food is because of the way we grow them.

We need them to grow fast and we plant the same thing again after we harvested. The soil can't rest and the minerals are pushed down deep in the soil where they can't reach the greens. The soil we plant in is not good enough.

Also, we harvest before it's ready and vitamins need the sun to form. And pesticides and processed foods destroy nutrition even more.

This is an old comparison but it hasn't improved since 2002 - it's even worse in some cases.

These are all normal ailments

Ailments that many people have and think "this is life" but it doesn't have to be that way. If you recognize yourself in any of this it might be that you have some form of nutrient deficiency and would benefit from a supplement.


  • Digestion issues
  • Bad immune system
  • Pain
  • Eczema and allergies
  • Not sleeping well, not rested in the morning
  • Craving for sugar or coffee


  • Irritation
  • indifference
  • bad temper
  • sadness
  • depression
  • anxiety


  • not able to focus
  • Bad concentration
  • not motivated
  • no ability to take initiative
  • get stuck in negative thought patterns
  • not curious

Because of this, I recommend a supplement.

Any supplement that is natural and where people get results. If your body can't for some reason absorb the supplement it's useless. I use this one to make sure I get enough nutrition. If you want more information please send me an e-mail: [email protected] but the only way for you to know for sure is to try it out! Give your body a chance and try for three to six months!

Enjoy life and make the most out of it!