The Immune System

The Immune System

Dec 15, 2021

I'm going to tell you a little bit more, very simplified about our immune system and how you can support it in your everyday life. You'll learn some nutrients that can support it and how you easily will add them to your diet. On top of that, I'll give you some other things that except nutrition are good for your body and your immune system.

There is more than one thing that plays a role in giving you a strong immune system - the body needs balance.

Nutrition, Oxygen, and Water are the basic things and very important to get in the right amount. To move and sleep properly are two other factors that play a role in your well-being.

But happiness, alertness, and enjoying the company of good people are also important.

What does the immune system do?

It guards us against viruses, bacteria, and other things that might hurt our bodies. Our immune system is active all the time and fixes what gets hurt and cleans out stuff that our bodies don't need.

Cells have antigens on their surface that tell the immune system if the cell belongs to the body or not. That's what tells the white blood cells what cells to fight and what cells to leave alone.

If our bodies are balanced they actually are self-healing.

When you get a cut you know it will heal. It's supposed to be the same within our bodies and all we are exposed to should heal. Both injuries and illnesses.

To be fully balanced is almost a utopia but you can do a lot to support your body. To do your best is all you can do. But it doesn't have to be hard work to take care of yourself.

To strengthen your immune system you need to strengthen your cells.

Our bodies contain billions of cells, and all of them need nutrition, oxygen, and water to work properly and do their job.

You need around 1-1,5 kilos of fruits and vegetables a day to get enough nutrition. To buy, peel and eat that much every single day is hard. You also need to mix it up because different greens contain different nutrients. It's a full-time job basically... so I recommend a supplement.

Vitamins, Minerals, and antioxidants are needed for a strong immune system

  • Vitamin A is important for the mucous membranes in your stomach, intestines, and airways. It's also important for your skin. All the places of the body that first are targeted by the viruses and bacteria.
  • Vitamin C is needed when the body creates antibodies. Vitamin C also protects the cells in your body. New science reveals that you can shorten the time you are sick if you have more vitamin C.
  • Zink stabilizes your entire immune system and is needed for the healing of wounds and also for skin quality.
  • Vitamin D is needed to balance the immune system and the intestines. Increasing Vitamin D might shorten the time you are sick with influenza. Vitamin D can also help against inflammation and autoimmune disorders.
  • Vitamin B6 is needed when the body produces antibodies and white blood cells. Both are a part of the immune system. Vitamin B6 is also needed to create hemoglobin - needed for oxygen transport in your blood. The supplement I use also contains an alga that supports the oxygen uptake even more.
  • Magnesium is important on multiple levels of the immune system, for example for the white blood cells.
  • Probiotics and Prebiotics. Good intestinal bacteria and fibers are very important for your intestinal health. About 70% of your immune system is connected to the intestines (and also a lot of other things, for example, mental health according to new science) To keep your gut healthy is a big win for your entire well-being.

Also, it's important to get the vitamins and minerals in the right ratio for the body to be able to use them optimally. It's not enough to take a lot of one mineral that you hear is good for something - it's important that the body can absorb it and use it - otherwise it goes to the toilet. I recommend a good quality dietairy supplement in addition to healthy food.

I use this one

person med näring för immunystemet i kroppen

More Tip to support your immune system

  • Move. Physical activity is very important for your body in different ways, for the immune system as well. Don't forget the daily movement, use the stairs instead of the elevator and maybe get off the bus one or two stops early.
  • Recovery is so important! Sleep well and rest when you need it. The body needs to recover after physical (and psychological) activity.
  • Avoid "energy thieves" People or situations that you notice are dragging you down. When you lose all your energy just by talking about them/it. Be with people and do things that make you feel good and give you energy whenever possible. When we are feeling good and are happy good chemicals are created in the brain. When you are angry or sad the chemicals created are not as good and this influences your entire body - even your immune system.
  • Eat good and healthy food, home-cooked with natural ingredients. Get rid of processed food and food with strange additives as far as possible. Add an efficient supplement that ensures the nutrition reaches the cells.

Support your body

You have now read how important nutrition is for your immune system. That nutrition of high quality is important. Nutrition that the body can use immediately.

I use this one to make sure my body gets what it needs.