My #1 tip on how to earn money from home

My #1 tip on how to earn money from home

Apr 07, 2022

And how to create freedom in your life

What is freedom for you? For me, it is to be able to control my time, and choose when I want to work, where I want to work, how I want to work, and how much I want to work. To decide for me and use my time how I want to!

I'm going to tell you about Network Marketing, and if you think you know that it's a scam keep reading - I thought so too!

Pyramid Schemes do exist and they have nothing to do with legitim Network Marketing companies. There are scammers everywhere, so be aware but don't ignore an entire industry because of it.

Network Marketing has been around since the 1950s and it's a very good way to run a business in my opinion.

"Regular" companies put a lot of money into marketing. In Network Marketing they give that money to the distributors instead. We are their advertising and what can be better publicity than people that use the products and love them? (The opposite of many celebrities that promote products they might not even use)

In a Network Marketing Company, the product has to be a little bit better than in traditional companies. The users need to get noticeable results so we talk about them to others.


I think that Network Marketing is one of the best ways to run your own business. The startup costs are very low and you work on your own terms.


Network Marketing is a perfect side-gig if you want to make some extra money, it’s a perfect complement to a small business and it’s also perfect if you want to build a full-time salary or more. It’s for anyone!


Things to consider while choosing your company


  • Don’t choose a completely new company – many companies don’t survive (as in any business), there are bad guys as well so if it’s a newer company make sure you can trust the owners. It’s not that fun if you put down a lot of time and then the company just disappears.
  • Is the product safe and of high quality? Is it something you want to use yourself and many people need?
  • Check the ethical values of the company. Are they in line with yours? Are they giving back to charity etc
  • Your Sponsor. Meaning the person recommending you to start in the company. Is that a person you want to work with? Your sponsor isn’t so important for you to succeed – that is up to you men it’s fun to have a sponsor to work with! A person you click with and can have a blast when working or traveling together.
  • Make sure they don’t have any minimum sales demands and that their marketing plan is fair. (The marketing plan is the tool to know how much you get paid.)
  • Also, make sure you don’t have to keep stock and pay for a lot of products in advance that you have to sell.

The company I work with is a German company that was founded in 1993, called PM-International, they have subsidiaries in more than 40 countries and even people without a subsidiary in their country can join. I just started as a customer with no intention to sell but loved the products so much that I just had to let people know about them.

I am looking for people that want more in life. Who would love to help people to better health and a better financial situation. I don’t care about background, age, or education. I don’t care if you are white, black, green, or purple. The only thing I care about is that you understand Swedish or English otherwise it might be hard for us to work together. But if you are reading this you understand English well enough.

I don’t care where you live, if you are married or have children. I do care that you are positive, curious, and social. That you are teachable and take action on what YOU decide to do. I care that you don’t say you should do things and then never do them. I care that you enjoy having fun. That’s what life is all about.

I don’t care what your goals are either. If you want to earn an extra €100 a month or if you want to pursue economical freedom you are welcome. I will help you to the amount you help yourself. I’m here for you if you are an action taker.

Money isn’t all there is but they can buy a lot of freedom…


Our products – Fitline

Supplements and skin care products that are amazing. I feel the results every day and yes they are somewhat addictive. (A good thing because that means our customers stay) I’m not saying they are addictive in a bad way, you won't get withdrawal symptoms if you stop using them or something. But you get a new level of understanding of HOW you can feel each day and if you “upgrade” your energy and wellbeing you don’t want to go back to how it was…

Before I started using them I had some mild ailments but I thought that it was normal. I thought everyone had issues and that was just a part of being human (no one even reacts when people complain about headaches and eczema for example)

I’ve found that I don’t have to be deadly tired every morning, that you are supposed to do #2 every day, and that it’s not normal to have days between and panic when it’s time.

I now know that headaches at least once a week aren’t normal either. You shouldn’t have to live on painkillers.

I have to give a disclaimer now. Supplements DON’T cure any ailments or sicknesses. High-quality supplements are nothing else than food. They give our bodies the ability to heal. Our body needs nutrition to function and it is difficult to get enough from food. Supplements are just that – a supplement for food. Your body is actually able to heal almost anything given the right circumstances.

Both our supplements and skincare are of the highest quality and tested more than most other products. They are manufactured in Germany with the same high standards that are mandatory when manufacturing pharmaceuticals. All products are listed on the Cologne List (a list that products tested for doping substances are listed on)

That is why we also have a lot of athletes on all levels using the products as well. These products are made for the burnt-out mum as well as the Olympic contestant in a marathon – and everyone in between.


What am I offering?

Help to get started and as much help you want (in relation to how much time you put in)

There is a small registration fee and also the company wants you to use the products, so you need an autoship. You get a 30% discount on your autoship.

Check the price for your Country at this link. There are no hidden fees at all and you'll get a lot included in your registration fee as stated below.

What’s included

  • A smart business model
  • Your own webshop – ready to use
  • ME – I want you to succeed and will be there for you
  • My team – with different areas of expertise to ask questions and get inspiration from
  • Payments every month, from your first customer (there is also immediate payment available in some situations)
  • Three different apps, to use in your business
  • The education you need
  • Personal growth
  • Part of EVERY product you buy (and sell) goes to charity
  • The possibility to have customers (and partners) all over the world.
  • The possibility to work from wherever you want
  • The possibility to work with who you want
  • The possibility to go on a free vacation yearly
  • The possibility to join our car program and drive a BMW
  • Pension plans are available


Me, when I picked up my new car a couple of months ago.

Check out the company and register if you feel that this is for you. Since it’s a bit different in every country (due to different regulations) I’m not sure exactly what you'll see on the registration page. But choose your country if it's not automatic and choose what they suggest. You’ll get suggested our optimal set which is the primary nutrition that everyone needs. In most countries, we have autoship so you’ll easily get your products every day.

I will contact you when you’ve registered and see what you are interested in OR if you want to contact me before you make up your mind, to get all your questions answered. Send me an e-mail: [email protected]


I look forward to welcoming you to the team.

So how does this work with what I wrote about the sponsor being somewhat important, and that I thought you should make sure that you want to work with the person sponsoring you?

And I also said that I get to choose who I want to work with – well I believe that you were drawn here for a reason, I believe that you wouldn’t have read this far if you didn’t think I could help you, I believe that you have my values because you are here and if you register without speaking to me first I have to believe that it was meant to be – either we will create something amazing together or we will both learn something from each other and move on. That is just how the universe works!

I am certain of what I am offering you so let’s go!